Featured on BRSM
Check out the BRSM blog for posts on preliminary syntheses of J. Mulzer and coworkers covering Penifulvin, Echniopines A and B as well as (+)-Lycoflexine and maybe more to come(?).
A Prize Winning Cascade!

After his successful PhD-studies in our research group Jürgen Ramharter was awarded three prizes for his achievements on the total syntheses of Valerenic Acid and the lycopodium alkaloid (+)-Lycoflexin.
We congratulate him on winning the
- GÖCH-Award for the Best Doctoral Thesis 2012
- Austrian Life Science Award (ALSA) 2012
- Innovation into Business-Award (INiTS) 2012.
Congratulations and good luck for the future!
Syngenta Awards
- JB (3rd), Stafan Diethelm (1st), Martin (2nd)
We are very happy to announce that two of our group members, Jean-Baptiste Farcet and Martin Himmelbauer were awarded 3rd and 2nd best contribution at the "Syngenta Workshop for Talented Chemists 2012" held in Stein (Switzerland) in Sept. 2012. After last years achievement by our former group member Harald Weinstabl, JB and Martin were awarded 3rd and 2nd prize behind Stefan Diethelm from the Carreira-Group (ETH Zürich).
Institute for Organic Chemistry
University of Vienna
Währingerstraße 38
A-1090 Vienna