Stereocontrolled formation of three contiguous stereogenic centers by free radical cyclization - synthesis of (+)-iridomyrmecin and (-)-isoiridomyrmecin - formal synthesis of delta-skythantine
Schollhorn, Bernd; Mulzer, Johann.
European Journal of Organic Chemistry (2006), (4), 901-908.
A synthesis of (+)-iridomyrmecin (1), a naturally occurring insecticide with antibiotic properties, via free radical cyclization is described. In this key step, three contiguous stereogenic centers are generated with a high level of stereocontrol.

Johann Mulzer
Institute for Organic Chemistry
University of Vienna
Währingerstraße 38
A-1090 Vienna
Institute for Organic Chemistry
University of Vienna
Währingerstraße 38
A-1090 Vienna