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Crotylation versus Propargylation: Two Routes for the Synthesis of the C13-C18 Fragment of the Antibiotic Branimycin


Felzmann, Wolfgang; Castagnolo, Daniele; Rosenbeiger, Daniela; Mulzer, Johann.  

Journal of Organic Chemistry  (2007),  72(6),  2182-2186. 

The C13−C18 fragment 3 of the novel antibiotic branimycin was prepared along two highly stereocontrolled routes. The first one uses a standard Roush crotylation protocol, whereas the second one proceeds via an allenyl silane propargylation with unexpected stereochemical consequences, which are discussed in detail.



Johann Mulzer
Institute for Organic Chemistry
University of Vienna

Währingerstraße 38
A-1090 Vienna

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