Novel synthetic strategies for the preparation of prostacyclin and prostaglandin analogues - off the beaten track
Sheddan, Neil A.; Czybowski, Michael; Mulzer, Johann.
Chemical Communications (Cambridge, United Kingdom) (2007), (21), 2107-2120.
The recent increase in activity in the fields of neuroscience and life sciences has been mirrored by the design and synthesis of novel chemically and metabolically stable prostaglandin and prostacyclin analogues. Consequently, convenient and practical access to these important classes of compounds is greatly coveted. Various strategies for the preparation of prostacyclin, prostaglandin and isoprostane analogues are discussed, with particular focus on novel approaches developed in our own laboratories.

Johann Mulzer
Institute for Organic Chemistry
University of Vienna
Währingerstraße 38
A-1090 Vienna
Institute for Organic Chemistry
University of Vienna
Währingerstraße 38
A-1090 Vienna