Lycopodium Alkaloids - Synthetic Highlights and Recent Developments
Siengalewicz, Peter; Mulzer, Johann; Rinner, Uwe
The Alkaloids: Chemistry and Biology (Volume 72) 2013, 1-151.
Recent progress in the isolation and synthesis of Lycopodium alkaloids is reviewed. A general discussion of the importance of Lycopodium alkaloids and a brief outline of their biosynthesis is followed by a comprehensive tabular overview of all alkaloids isolated since the last major review in this area in 2005. This section is followed by a discussion of highlights and milestone achievements in the synthesis of Lycopodium alkaloids. The main section of the article is devoted to recent syntheses of Lycopodium alkaloids. Previous synthetic contributions are briefly outlined to allow a direct comparison of different strategies for the preparation of these important natural products. The literature is covered between 2005 and early 2012.
Institute for Organic Chemistry
University of Vienna
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